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Ocean Robbins DVD + Book Bundle

$47.00 Excluding Tax

Bundle Inclides:

The Healthy Food Revolution (presentation)

Healing Our Lives, Healing Our World (presentation)

31 – Day Food Revolution (Book 503 pages)


Ocean Robbins is the CEO and co-founder of the 500,000+ member Food Revolution Network — one of the largest communities of healthy eating advocates on the planet. He has held hundreds of live seminars and events that have touched millions of lives from 190 nations. Ocean’s grandfather founded Baskin-Robbins, and his father, John Robbins, walked away from the family company and ice cream fortune to write bestsellers, including Diet for a New America, and to become a renowned health advocate. Now, Ocean is on a mission to transform the industrialized food culture into one that celebrates and supports healthy people and a healthy planet, and he’s inviting YOU to join the food revolution.

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31-Day Food Revolution is a guide to liberation from a toxic food world. Author Ocean Robbins reveals the secrets the industrialized food industry doesn’t want people to know, how specific ingredients and methods could be making people sick, and what they can do about it. And he shows how to use the amazing power of delicious food to heal the gut, lose excess weight, and lower the risk for disease — all while contributing to a healthier planet.

In his nonjudgmental and down-to-earth way, Ocean Robbins meets people wherever they are on their personal journey with food, helping make small improvements that lead to big results.

Additional information

Weight 1.2875 lbs



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